Mac and Cheese is a Scam

Mac and Cheese
Mac and cheese is a scam.
Maybe you have the same child in your family.
You know the one that only eats mac and cheese. It doesn’t matter what restaurant you plan on eating at, if they don’t have mac and cheese, she will eat croutons.
It seems like every restaurant has their own version but at this point, she has developed a discriminating taste for Kraft mac and cheese. So when a waitress brings out a bowl of gourmet macaroni with some albino version of a cheese sauce, a flash of anger rises up in her eyes.
Of course we try to convince her that, “This will be so good! Look at those interesting shaped noodles.”
Really we are thinking, you had better eat that because it costs almost six dollars!
Six dollars for mac and cheese, I mean do they import the noodles from Italy and the cheese from France?
Are they milking a cow and churning butter out back?
Is Chef Emeril in the kitchen, taking it up a notch?
I don’t think so.
Isn’t a box of mac and cheese less than a dollar at Target? Even less if you buy the generic version.
But she knows, this is not the mac and cheese that she really wants. It takes a lot of coaxing and convincing to even try a bite. Many times she may tolerate it and eat a few spoonfuls.
However, we all know what dad will be taking for lunch the next day.
The worst part is when you’re forced to pay for mac and cheese at a restaurant and then when it comes out, you can tell that it is Kraft. They don’t even try to disguise it.
Could we take a couple boxes home to replenish our supply, since we’re paying for six boxes worth?
Our family’s relationship with mac and cheese is complicated.
Feeding it to our youngest beats the alternative of having her try something new, only to spit it out projectile style, like she just ingested poison.
What’s your family’s relationship with mac and cheese?
Or, what is the one food that seems to be the go-to for your special child?
Mac and Cheese is a Scam
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