Grace and Forgiveness The first time I listened to the People to People broadcast, I was blown away. The host, Bob George, would take questions from the audience that usually were about some scheduled theme. The topic was on grace and forgiveness. Having attended church growing up, I’d heard these words tossed around but really …
Tag: Inmate
Jun 15
Strange Radio Program
Strange Radio Program Every evening, I would sit at my desk and catch up on reading and responding to letters. Once finished, I would plug my headphones into the radio that my parents bought me and listen to music. It was my escape to the world outside while I was still inside. Most of the time I would …
Jun 08
Decision Waiting was not something I was good at. It always produced a level of anxiety that would drive me to the point of insanity. One would think that I would be an expert at it, since it was the way everything happened in the Army and especially at the USDB. Over the four weeks …
Jun 01
My Last Attempt at Parole
My Last Attempt at Parole My situation had completely changed since my previous attempt at parole. My parent’s recent move to Omaha would allow me to move in with them, so I changed my destination from Connecticut to Omaha. My grandfather’s offer to live with him was gracious, and I was extremely thankful. It just made more …
May 25
Two Dollars a Day Inmate Job
Two Dollars a Day Inmate Job There were some benefits to working in the mess hall job, but not enough at this point to want to stay. When I was inside the walls there was a level of protection that came with being a cook. Since we were able to provide extra food for inmates …
May 18
Riot After the murder, things went from bad to worse inside the walls. On May 11, 1992 there was a major commotion inside the Castle that led to a riot. The Disciplinary Barracks Command wanted to prohibit the speaking of Spanish, ban colored head bands, and added more restrictions on smoking. They also wanted inmates to …
May 11
Murder Once I had the chance to taste freedom, my goal changed from maintaining my sanity to doing whatever it took to get out as soon as possible. There was an option to serve out the rest of my sentence with an earlier release based on earned good time. However, I had a parole board …
May 04
Back to Prison
Back to Prison The day I had to return to prison, I woke up feeling ready. Going back was not something I wanted to do, but I was ready to complete my sentence. Ready to get it over with, especially because this taste of freedom had reminded me what I was missing. Looking out of the window …
Apr 27
Home for a Week
Home for a Week Once I received the news that I was approved to go home for a full week in April, I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face. It was hard to contain the excitement. Feeling like I wanted to tell everyone was my first reaction, but I didn’t want to rub …
Apr 20
Worst Prison Job and Best News Yet
Worst Prison Job and Best News Yet During certain holidays, the powers that be would decide what meals we would serve everyone. We never cooked typical prison food. For Thanksgiving there would be turkey and stuffing. For Christmas, usually ham was the main choice. In January, for Martin Luther King Day someone thought it would …
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