Lost In A Downward Spiral
I was lost in a downward spiral.
Keeping track of what type of drug I was on and how much I was consuming was becoming increasingly difficult. Depending on what I was purchasing or selling, would be what I would take.
If other dealers wanted to trade types of drugs for what I had, I would do it. Mixing drugs had different effects. The combination of some drugs would make the experience more intense or a confusing shift in and out of each type. Sometimes you would only feel the effect of one of the drugs which wasted taking the other.
There were different ways to skim off the top of my supply before selling so I could consume without reducing my sales. The easiest way was with LSD.
It usually came on about a 3″ x 3″ square sheet of card stock type paper that was either sprayed or dipped into the LSD. This paper was perforated to tear off 100 little individual squares. Using gloves was necessary because your skin would absorb the LSD if you touched the paper with your bare hand.
I would take a pair of scissors and cut a sliver of paper off all four sides of the large square and then tear off all the outside pieces placing them into little 1″ x 1″ baggies. Then I would repeat the procedure until I got all the way down to the center of the square.
When finished, the customers never knew the difference and were not affected by the piece that was missing. However, there were enough clippings to equal about 25 hits per sheet. I would split them with whoever helped me or I would take them all.
Sometimes the effects would last for days. It was so bad that when walking around the Galleria Mall in Houston, parents would grab their children and move them to the other side when passing by me. Or random strangers would ask me, “Dude, what are you on?”
Anything Goes
There were dry times when either my supply was out or my suppliers were waiting on something to come in.
There was experimentation with non-traditional drugs just to see what would happen. Crushing up whatever was in Dee’s medicine cabinet and snorting it was one attempt.
No effect other than a massive burning sensation. I tried this with a number of different types of medication.
It was known that as messed up as some people got at Club Numbers, they would often drop some of what they bought and you could just pick it up off the floor.
One evening in an upstairs room that overlooked the dance floor, a friend and I were scouring the carpet for hits of LSD because I found a couple where we were sitting. Since LSD was on pieces of paper, I am sure some of what we picked up and ate was just trash on the floor.
On occasion, Jane and I would buy an aerosol or gas version of lighter fluid called Butane. We would basically inhale the gas.
This created a massive lightheaded buzz with a visual effect of the walls of the room slapping together in front of your eyes in a pulsating manner until the gas wore off. This lasted only about 30 seconds.
Most of the time this was done in the trailer but there were times we would do this while driving to Houston.
After taking a hit we would rush in the center lane between two semi-trucks and watch them slap together as we passed through.
Black out
In Houston, at my friend’s apartment across the street, we were all hanging out in the living room. We were doing coke and ecstasy. At some point, I blacked out.
The next morning I woke up with soreness on my shoulder and it kind of burned. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror to see what was wrong.
The reflection revealed that someone had used one of the coke razors, to carve an upside down cross on my back.
Every once in a while someone would have a drug that was prescribed to them or that they had stolen from a parent. One in particular was Xanax.
I do not know what effect it had on someone that needed it. Probably just makes them feel like everyone else. When I took it, it made me feel like gelatin on the carpet slowly dissolving into nonexistence.

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